Yesterday, after my humdrum post, things got very interesting. I tore apart my bedroom. I brought up the clothes rack from the basement and proceeded to try on pretty much the entirety of my wardrobe, littered the floor with the discard pile, dozens of shoes (which I then proceeded to trip over repeatedly as I continued on my quest to DECIDE. I'm convinced now that I have too much stuff (not that I was any illusion otherwise before) and I cannot possibly bring all of this crap across several thousand miles. After going through all the clothes and shoes, I enlisted my mother's help to clean up after Hurricane Jo. My father walked by shaking his head... "eh, I've seen it worse"
And the trouble is.. he really has. I've gotten into cleaning mode so bad sometimes that there is literally not a single square foot of space to walk in my bedroom. But I no longer have time for such nonsense this week! I was exhausted by 10 o'clock and still had work to do. But I postponed it til this AM. Got up earlyish, finished Stephen King's On Writing (excellent read, btw), did the write-up for class on it, did some stuff for my online class, updated my address book, read through some Troublemaker Posts, read a little Christine Feehan, and started on re-re-revising the ending to Jaded Hope. Four episodes of Sex and the City later and I feel as if I've accomplished nothing in three hours! TV's going off, Internet browser is closing and I'm going back to work!
Dinner later with my girls and lunch tomorrow with Grandpa and still so much to do.
The aftermath of Hurricane Jo has been mitigated for the time being but as we close in on the final three days in the states, I fear there may be more than hurricane on the horizon.
stay tuned for the next overly dramatic installment as the FINAL THREE continue...
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