Thursday, September 15, 2011

New Day - new hair - newness!

Hello again, bloggerverse, 
I got my hair done. It's rather drastically different, but I quite like it. I spent almost three hours at the hairdresser with my mom because she got hers done at the same time. Lots of change today. Mom went darker than she's been in years and I went lighter than I think I've ever been. And it's SHORT. 
Then I went to AAA to get my international driving permit!!!!!!!!!! Because we're crazy and we're going to drive in Ireland. Something I read said that Ireland was the second worst country for driving - as in they have the second most accidents of any country in the world. Portugal was listed as the worst. Should be very interesting. Mom's worried about hitting sheep. I'm just worried about getting ridiculously lost. We don't have too many places to be at certain times, but we are driving across the majority of the southern part of Ireland. 
Still haven't packed yet! Yes, that's right. Leaving in less than forty-eight hours and I haven't even brought my suitcases up from the closet downstairs! 
Still have to finish plotting a book, organize trip itinerary, print things out, pack, pay bills, check bank accounts and all kinds of other stuff. Hair picture coming soon. Insanity impending. Mass craziness to ensue! 
So pull up a chair, strap in and get ready for the ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Last full day in the states begins in four hours... 


  1. Waiting til the last minute. You are a writer.

  2. HEHE - It's not my fault! I was gone all day! I've started. Really, I have.

  3. Just remember a map and also, your actual drivers license is good for living and driving abroad for about a year.
